Several years ago, I set off and on an adventure with someone I truly loved. The plan was simple; spend the next 16 weeks camping and living out of our car in a crazy attempt to complete my final semester of college. The idea worked. Along the way, I meet these two amazing humans who had made a life out of living out of their van and were working with local grocery chains to feed the homeless in LA. I didn’t know it then, but these two beautiful souls, John & Nikki, would change me.
I can still remember listening to John as he told me all about his crazy collection of feathers and why he was creating an altar in the woods to give them back to the universe. I remember how he told me how the world wants us to succeed, and even though it can’t pay us or provide us with modern things. It will often gift with tiny trinkets of affection, small things a shiny pebble that makes you smile or think of dragons, or a simple feather to remind of your brilliance. I remember thinking that it sounded so childlike, so innocent, and a small part of me wanted to believe. I wanted to believe in magic, and that universe truly cares for us. But as any modern young woman, I was skeptical.
Magic, the universe gifting us present, showing us affection in weird gifts and coincidences. The world doesn’t work that way. Or does it.
During this conversation, I had decided to document the alter and take about a dozen or so photographs. On the day I wrote to John and Nikki to share these photos with them. Something happened, and maybe it all just circumstantial, a coincidence, but there I was standing in the woods, and as I picked up my phone to send a text to my new friends, a small grey feather landed on my head, as if by magic.
I have been finding feathers ever since, on my darkest days, falling into my sketchbook as I flush out new ideas, hidden in my car, and I can’t help but believe that the universe is sending me presents. Small reminders that I am loved, I am cherished, I am special.
These prints are my reminders that someone or something cares for me. Call it what you want, but I choose to believe in magic, and if you find yourself needing a reminder that magic exists and you are unique and valuable. Here’s a feather from my collection to yours.